The greatest danger will then be to leveraged investors, including individuals who bought these assets with borrowed money and banks that hold long-term securities. 因此,杠杆投资者面临的危险最大,包括借款购买上述资产的个人以及持有长期证券的银行。
The official sector holds at least half of all long-term US marketable government securities outstanding. 已发行的美国长期可流通政府债券中,至少一半为各国政府持有。
It also transformed long-term debts, such as mortgages, into marketable short-term securities, which were in demand in countries with current account surpluses, particularly Germany and Japan. 同时,它还把抵押贷款等长期债务转换为适于销售的短期证券。经常账户盈余国家非常需要这些证券,特别是德国和日本。
The first of a series of long-term operations to span the new year will start with a buying back of$ 8bn of Treasuries and other securities in a repo deal that matures on January 10. 在其横跨新年的一系列长期公开市场操作行动中,第一阶段将是根据1月10日到期的回购协议,回购80亿美元国债以及其它证券。
The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued. 以发行权益性证券取得的长期股权投资,应当按照发行权益性证券的公允价值作为初始投资成本。
The Federal Reserve decided to buy long-term bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and other assets with the goal of lowering effective long-term interest rates for households. 上周美联储(federalreserve)决定购买长期债券、抵押贷款支持证券和其它资产,以降低家庭长期贷款的有效利率。
The Long-term Memory and Clustering Complexity of Securities Market 证券市场的长期记忆及聚类复杂性研究
Last week, the Fed announced the latest variant in its home-spun version of ZIRP: the so-called 'twist' operation, a move that sees it purchasing long-term bonds and mortgage securities, in place of short-term term debt and government bonds. 近期,美联储宣布实施“扭转”操作美国版零利率政策的最新表现形式:即购买长期债券和抵押贷款证券,并卖出短期债券和政府债券。
The ECB could plausibly impose a cap on long-term market rates of, say, 4 per cent, and buy long-term debt securities. 欧洲央行似乎可以为长期市场利率设定一个上限(比如4%),并买入长期债券。
In an action designed to improve the prospects for the economy, the Fed has announced a programme to expand its holdings of intermediate and long-term Treasury securities. 为了改善经济前景,美联储宣布了扩大中长期国债持有量的计划。
"The capital markets consist of markets in which the intermediate and long-term securities of individuals, business firms, and governmental units are issued and traded." 资本市场是由个人、政府、商号的中长期证券发行和交易的市
Sponsor's system as the product of securities issue system reform is most important to long-term development of securities market. 保荐人制度作为我国证券发行制度改革的产物,对证券市场的长远发展具有重要意义。
Analysts say local insurers and pension funds will not be able to meet their long-term liabilities unless they invest some of their money into higher-yielding foreign securities. 分析人士表示,除非将部分资金投资于收益率较高的外国证券,否则本土保险公司和养老基金将无力偿还长期债务。
Dai said'we favor the long-term prospects for China's securities markets. 戴相龙表示看好中国证券市场的长期发展前景。
It is hard to see a reason for yields on long-term Treasuries being so low, other than a desire to hold the liabilities of the US Treasury, safest issuer of dollar-denominated securities. 除了投资者希望持有美元计价证券最安全发行人美国财政部的负债以外,很难找到长期美国国债收益率如此之低的原因。
Therefore adopting right methods to build up effective performance management system in accordance with the features of the sector and company's actual situation is of great realistic significance for the long-term, healthy and steady development of security companies and securities industry. 针对行业特征和证券公司实际情况选择合适的绩效管理方法并建立起证券公司有效的绩效管理体系,对公司乃至行业的长远、健康和稳定发展有着极为重要的现实意义。
The frequent outburst of the internal and external war, the turmoil of the political situation a long-term, controlling of the securities market by foreign businessmen, the lack of government's management and the excessive speculation behavior had influenced it in various degree. 内外战争的频频爆发、政局的动荡不安,外商对证券市场的长期控制,政府的管理缺乏以及过度的投机行为不同程度地影响了它的发展;
Obviously, this kind of system with neglects to the compensation of victims is not favorable for the long-term development of the securities business, as the protection to investors is the first-place goal of the legislation of security. 这种忽视对受害人补救的制度,显然不利于证券市场的长远发展,因为保护投资者是证券立法的首要目标。
However, the security investment fund still has no concept of long-term investment and does not show enough initiatives in participating in corporate governance due to its shortage of development and defects in institution of law concerning securities market. 我国证券投资基金普遍意识到了积极参与公司治理的重要性,但由于自身发展不足,证券市场相关法律制度不够完善,导致基金缺乏长期投资理念,被动参与公司治理。
At the same time, proposed and demonstrated a shared interest is the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable long-term stability securities market. 同时,提出并论证了共享利益是可持续证券市场长治久安的根本保证。
Not only it is an important topic searched after long-term by securities business, but also it is the investors 'most concerned issue under the mature market environment day by day. 如何评估上市公司的真正价值不仅是证券界长期探索的重要课题,在当前已经日趋成熟的市场环境下,更是投资者最为关心的问题。
In the last part of this article, the author makes a series of strategies of creating a safe and long-term securities market. 在文章的最后,作者提出了一系列的防范策略,以建立一个安全、长效的证券市场。
As our investment in dollar securities, long-term securities investment proportion bigger, compared the short-term investment proportion is not big. 从我国投资于美元证券的结构可以看出,长期证券投资所占比重较大,相比较而言短期投资所占比重不大。
As a result, solving the trouble of short-term capital for long-term loan that commercial banks faced and raising the liquidity of asset by implementing mortgage-backed securities, is a necessary choice. 由此推行住房抵押贷款证券化,解决商业银行面临的短存长贷的困境,提高资产流动性,降低商业银行风险,成为势在必行的选择。
Implementing the sponsor system is a significant transformation in securities issuance market, which exerts a deep and long-term influence in securities market. 保荐制度的出台是我国证券发行市场的重大变革,对证券市场产生了较为深远的影响。